Saturday, July 27, 2013


"Your challenge is to find the best within yourselves, ours is to help you achieve it!" 

  How to keep Fit And Healthy

Muscle Exercises:

Muscle exercises: the largest library of physical exercises on the web, each muscle exercise is simply explained with 3D video animations. Whether you are an expert trainer, sports professional, athlete or simply love staying fit, you will find what you need in our library of muscle exercises.

Easy and intuitive search for muscle exercises: to help you search for the specific muscle exercises for every type of training and every muscle, we have divided the exercise library into 3 main body areas: Upper, central and lower areas. In each area, you will find a list of the main muscles in this region of the body.
Share your experience: one of the main reasons for starting this project was to promote the basic concepts of well-being in general and physical training in particular. For this reason, we encourage you to comment on each exercise and express your point of view by describing those small tricks and suggestions that only someone who has been enthusiastically exercising for years would know.

Upper Area

Neck Exercises :

Neck Exercises: in this section we illustrate through 3D animated videos the best exercises to train the neck area, especially the trap muscle. All exercises for the trap muscle provide different visual angles to help you better understand the instructions.

Trap Training Notes: training the trap muscle means strengthening the neck area. Strengthening of the neck may be a necessity for both professional athletes preparing for competitions and many others who excessively strain these muscles due to wrong habits or for work.
Elements of Trap Anatomy: this muscle is shaped like a fan whose upper edge defines the slope that goes from the neck to the shoulder. The trap muscle is attached to the skull, it helps keep your head straight and rotate it allowing you to move your shoulders back.

Shoulders Exercises

 Shoulders Exercises: this section is entirely dedicated to exercises for shoulder muscles. All shoulder exercises are explained through professional 3D animations. Every video highlights the action of the muscle during the movement and points out the phase of major effort to help understand how to best execute the exercise.
ShouldersTraining Notes: strengthening the muscles of this area is truly important both for aesthetic and functional reasons. Strong and robust shoulders greatly reduce chances of trauma (among these, the most common and frequent are lesions to the rotator cuff). At the same time, shoulders toned and well-defined through adequate training provide the body with increased balance enhancing the famous V-shaped back.
Elements of Shoulder Anatomy: the movement of the shoulder is entirely covered by the deltoid muscle and below by the rotator cuff. The deltoid muscle is roughly divided into three parts: front, side and back. The deltoid muscle raises the arm and allows it to move in every direction.

Biceps exercises for train arm muscles

 Biceps Exercises: includes all the most effective exercises to train the arm muscles and especially the biceps. Every exercise for the biceps is animated in 3D, highlighting the anatomical part of the muscle targeted during the execution of the movement.
Biceps Training: this muscle is a true obsession of bodybuilders and beyond. In the process of building a harmonious body, the bicep muscle must be proportional to the shoulder and vice-versa. In fact, overly developed bicep muscles often do not stand out because they are overshadowed by overly enlarged shoulders. For this reason we suggest you constantly modify your biceps training based on the growth rate of your deltoid muscles.
Bicep Anatomy: as the name implies, the bicep muscle is made up of two ends. The bicep determines the bending of the elbow and allows lifting of the hand toward the face. It also allows the forearm to turn to a flat position.

Triceps Exercises

 Triceps Exercises: 3D video animations, various visual angles and practical demonstrations of correct breathing techniques. The best triceps exercises explained in a professional way to help users understand how to train correctly.
Triceps Training: we suggest you pay special attention to the training of this muscle since, as it was said earlier, its proper balance is proportional to the size of your shoulders. In fact, shoulders that are too big negatively affect the visual impact of this muscle. Plus, we point out the importance of the positioning of your hands while executing your triceps exercises as they determine the position of the muscle to be trained.
Triceps Anatomy: large and voluminous muscle located in the back of the humerus. As the name implies, the triceps has three heads: long, medial and lateral. The primary action of the triceps is to extend the elbow and balance the articulation of the shoulder.

Forearm Exercises

 Forearm Exercises: category entirely dedicated to the most effective exercises to train the forearm. All forearm exercises are illustrated with 3D animated videos, highlighting the muscle targeted by the movement.
Forearm Training: an important reminder for everyone who wishes to train the forearm muscles: this muscle is always stimulated, even though indirectly, during all exercises that include any type of grasping (barbells, dumbbells and various machines).
Anatomy of the Forearms: the forearm is a mass that comprises about 20 different muscles, built primarily by two muscular compartments; the flexors, on the side of the palm of the hand and the extensors on the other side. These muscles regulate the movement of the wrist, fingers, thumb and control turning hands face up and down.

Middle Area:

Chest Exercises

 Chest exercises: a list of the best video exercises to train your chest. Every pectoral exercise includes various visual angles and a video dedicated to breathing correctly while performing the movement.

Chest Training: The pectoral is a single large muscle that is unfortunately often erroneously divided into upper, lower, outer and inner pectorals. Conversely, these terms actually represent only areas of the great pectoral that can be additionally stimulated through targeted exercises that also work the entire muscle.

Pectoral Training for Women: Contrary to common belief, pectoral training for women cannot prevent relaxation of the breast. In fact, training the great pectoral means toning only the muscle located below the breast which is, on the other hand, made up of connective and glandular tissue.

Pectoral Anatomy: the great pectoral is shaped like a fan and it occupies most part of the thoracic wall. It allows moving your arm forward and sideways; it is therefore an adductor muscle.

Abs Exercises

 Abs Exercises: the most effective exercises to train your abs are illustrated in detailed 3D videos. All abdominal exercises include various visual angles to simplify the correct execution of the movement.
Abs Training Notes: we must clarify one thing regarding the training of this muscle; the "rectus abdominus" (straight muscle of the abdomen) is a single broad muscle, although it is often erroneously classified into upper and lower abs. In reality, these terms only indicate areas of the straight muscle that can be stimulated though targeted exercises that still work the entire straight muscle of the abdomen.
Elements of Abdominal Anatomy: the abdominal wall can be primarily classified into two main sections; the front section made up of only one muscle (the rectus abdominus) and the lateral section made up of three layers of muscles (external oblique, internal oblique and the traverse abdominal).

Oblique Abdominal Exercises

 Oblique Abdominal Exercises: specific exercises to train the oblique muscles of the abdomen. Each exercise for obliques is explained with the aid of 3D video to help users understand the correct execution of the exercise.
Obique Abdominals Training Note: completely isolating the lateral section of our abdomen is no easy task, however the following exercises have been expressly formulated to stimulate as much as possible the lateral muscles of the abdominal wall.
Elements of Oblique Abdominal Anatomy: this muscle includes two parts: the internal and the external. Contracting the obliques of just one side of the torso determines its lateral bending. The simultaneous bending of the muscles of both sides supports the "rectus abdominus" in its primary function to bend the torso.

Exercises for back muscles

 Back Exercises: specific category of the best exercises to train your back muscles. All the exercises for your back are illustrated by detailed and professional 3D video animations.
Back Training Note: the back is made up of three primary muscles. For this reason we wish to point out that training only the dorsal muscle produces an incomplete workout. To achieve the much desirable V-shaped back, which spells perfection, you must also train the trap and the sacrospinalis muscle.
Elements of Dorsal Muscle Anatomy: the large dorsal muscle is very broad and it is shaped like a triangle. This muscle originates from the bottom half of the spine and from the lower extremity of the pelvis. This muscle generates downward traction from behind the shoulder allowing the arm to move toward the body.

Lower Back Exercises

 Lower Back Exercises : effective exercises to train the lower part of the back. Lumbar muscle exercises are professionally explained through 3D animations that illustrate how to correctly execute the exercise.
Lumbar Training Notes: it is fundamentally important to train this muscular area, at least as much as other abdominal muscles. In fact overlooking to train the lumbar muscles could cause or worsen posture problems. Therefore, the correct alignment of lumbar muscles is beneficial to everyone with bad posture habits or bad working conditions, which tend to experience incorrect posture during the day.
Elements of Lumbar Anatomy: these muscles are classified into three separate categories; the iliocostalis, the longissimus and the spinalis. The lumbar muscles are the pillars of strength of the lower back and they contribute to balancing and stretching the spine.

Lower Area

Best buttocks exercises

Buttocks Exercises: a list of the best exercises to tone and train the gluteus maximus. Every exercise for buttocks is illustrated through various videos and 3D animations to demonstrate the correct execution of the exercise.
Glutes Training Notes: toning the glutes to obtain a "tight bottom" is a fundamental part of a woman’s workout. A workout for this muscle has the advantage of requiring no tools since the most effective exercises (squats and dips) basically exploit the body’s weight as a natural load.
Elements of Glutes Anatomy: this muscular area is primarily made up of the following bundles of muscles: the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus, the tensor of the fascia lata and the gluteus maximus. The role of these muscles is to stabilize and move the hip joint, in addition to aid in maintain upright posture.

Adductor exrcises for train the internal thighs

Adductor Exercises: category dedicated to all exercises useful to train the inner thighs. Adductor exercises are illustrated through 3D animated videos that highlight the role of this muscle during the movement.
Adductor Training Notes: the inner thighs aesthetically represent a very important area for women thus it is necessary to specifically train this area of the body. Furthermore, we wish to point out that the muscles of this area play an important role even for successful performance in sports for which the use of the lower extremities plays a fundamental role in the athletic effort.
Elements of Adductor Anatomy: the adductor brevis, adductor longus and adductor magnus make up the adductor group. This muscular group is a group of muscles of the hip that closes the hip at mid-level, some layers then flex it internally while others flex it externally.

Quadriceps exercises for train legs 

Quadriceps Exercises: a list of the most effective quad exercises to correctly train your legs. Quadriceps exercises are illustrated through 3D videos that highlight the role of the quadriceps muscles and explain how to breathe correctly while executing the workout.
Quad Training Notes: aligning legs and quads is essential for those who want to remain in shape and improve their physical aspect or increase their sports performance. There are many variations of the exercises in the quad workout. It is thus fundamentally important to watch the positioning of your feet while executing the exercise. For this reason, we recommend you carefully select the exercises to include in your workout based on your objectives.
Elements of Quad Anatomy: the femoral quadriceps, located on the front side of the thigh is made up of four separate extremities: rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus lateralis and vastus intermedius. The primary function of the quad muscle is extending the knee and consequently of the whole leg.

Hamstring exercises to training legs

 Hamstrings Exercises: the best exercises to train the back of the thighs. Exercises for the hamstrings explained through 3D videos that demonstrate the correct execution of the exercises.
Hamstring Training Notes: although these muscles are not voluminous, they greatly contribute to great performance in those sports where the legs play a fundamental role (tennis, soccer, basketball, running, cross-country skiing and many others). Additionally, if the hamstrings are not properly trained, they are often subject to sprain, therefore we recommend training this area of your legs as much as any other.
Elements of Hamstring Anatomy: the three wide muscles in the back of the thighs are called ischiocrural muscles and they include the femoral biceps, the semitendinosus and the semimembranosus. The ischiocrurals work to stretch the hip and to bend the knee.

Calf exercises to train calve muscles

 Calf Exercises: 3D animated videos explain in a professional way how to carry out the movement and how to breathe correctly. Many exercises for the calves to do at home and at the gym.
Calf Training Notes: this part of the body is often difficult to train and, above all, it is not easy to increase the volume of these muscles. The calf muscles can be trained both by using machines and weights or you can simply opt to take advantage of the natural weight of your body. Therefore, we suggest you keep changing exercises until you find the most effective method to reach your goals.
Elements of Calf Anatomy: the muscles of the lower part of your legs that make up the bulging of the calf include: the gastrocnemius, which has two ends (medial and lateral) and the soleus. These two muscles are naturally very strong since their action during running and jumping is to counterweigh the rest of the body while lifting the heel.


Abs Workout, how to have six pack

 8 Min Abs Workout, how to have six pack. The workout has been designed to specifically work on the abdominal area.
It can be done by anyone who exercises regularly, both men and women. There are no particular requirements for this module; you just need to know how to properly perform the exercises involved.

Perform this workout every second day (e.g. Mon-Wed-Fri) for at least two weeks. Then you'll be ready to perform the next level of this workout.
Good Luck to get six pack!

1. Working aerobically on your abdominal muscles for over 7 minutes stimulates the capillaries in this area. These in turn increase the blood flow.
2. A greater blood flow means a greater flow of oxygen - and fat only burns in the presence of oxygen.
3. Toned muscles need more calories (kcal) to stay active. Our organism tends to release these calories from the area near the active muscles. So it burns fat in that area.

1. The module is designed to work the abdominal area 'aerobically'. Performing it straight after an aerobic workout (e.g.: running, spinning, swimming or other aerobic activities) will improve the positive effect.
2. Learn the instructions for each exercise of this workout. Ensure you perform exercises properly.
3. Pay attention on the correct breathing while performing the exercises. It is very important and will help you achieve the best results possible.



Chest Workout


The "Chest workout Home edition" was designed to provide an easy and fun professional workout for everyone. These exercises are designed to tone main pectoral muscles (upper, major and minor pectoral muscles) and you can workout wherever you want: at home, in the park, on the beach or at the gym.
No special equipment is required for this workout: if you don't have a bench for elevated push-ups, use any elevated surface (chair, box, etc.).